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Coaching Services

Regardless of what type of coaching you want, I use a whole life or holistic approach because all of life influences every other part of life.  

Personal Coaching

Personal coaching involves anything that you want to change about your personal goals or life. This would include job, self-esteem, health, stress and much more.


Coaching uses the knowledge that it is much easier for someone else to observe and recognize things that we cannot see in ourselves and in our own behaviors. Sometimes they can also see solutions that we have overlooked. Coaches are trained to help you see your behaviours and reactions that may be holding us back. I'm sure you have heard it said that two heads are better than one.


Change usually involves habit. Habits are by definition things we do over and over again and not easy to change. This is where a coach can help. In personal coaching we would use tools that would help you see what has held you back from your personal goals.  Together we would begin by determining what causes stress in your life and what gives you energy.  We would work on managing the stress and getting rid of unnecessary responsibilities or clutter in your life, including your house, office and/or your mind.  As you clean out your life, there will be time and energy for the things you want and need in your life.  Then we can work together to clarify and prioritize your goals so you can begin to creat your dream life step-by-step.

Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance is just what it sounds like; balancing the time and energy put into work, family, recreation, spirituality, as well as the other parts of life.


Work-life balance is about balancing all the parts of your life. Probably one of the first tools that we will use is The Life Balance Wheel. This helps us see your satisfaction levels in various parts of your life.  Then we can visally see what parts of your life bring you satisfaction and what parts of life need improvement.  What parts of life take up more of your time and energy and the parts of life that need more time, focus and attention.  From there we can discuss what changes you want to achieve to make your life more satisfying.

Relationship Coaching

Relationship coaching is about changing your life within your present or future relationships.  Including romantic relationships, family relationships, parent-child relationships, work relationships and any other interpersonal relationships.



All of our lives revolves around relationships, at home, work, with friends and the public.  So often in our relationships there is miscommunication, selfishness, disagreements and opposing goals.  Have you ever caught yourself saying, "If only she/he would change, everything would be better," or "Why can't she/he see that I am right?"  Once we realize that we cannot change anyone but ourselves, and begin to see our relationships from a different perspective, then we can begin to make changes for the better.  



Influence is inevitable.  We are influenced by others and others are influenced by us.  Everything we see and hear and feel influences us to some extent.  So for our interpersonal lives to be happier, we have to make changes in ourselves.  As I'm sure you have discovered changing ourselves and the way we see and think about things is not an easy task.  

Family Coaching

This is another area in our lives where relationships can be a challenge.  We know that our family will most likely love us no matter what, so both children and adults tend to push the limits.



I'm sure you have heard parents say, "Shouldn't children come with instructions?"  Most of us need help to determine the best way to help our children to become the best they can be.


Discipline is often difficult and there is so much debate about the right and wrong way to discipline and raise children.


As a coach, I can help you see your children from an outside and objective view, then we can work together to find what is right for you and your situation.

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